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Workforce Training

Digital Skills Initiatives

Iowa's suite of key workforce programs

Fully-integrated cyber-physical environments require investments in workforce training and development. A skilled workforce, combined with the strategic technology of Manufacturing 4.0, will enhance productivity and set the path toward continued growth. To successfully implement Manufacturing 4.0 technologies, Iowa manufacturers can address their workforce with re-training and up-skilling opportunities.


  • Iowa Jobs Training (260F) - Provides new skills job training services to current employees.
  • Industrial New Jobs Training (260E) - Assists businesses creating new positions with new employee training.
    • Businesses participating in the New Jobs Training program may be eligible for the New Jobs Tax Credit if the existing Iowa employee base is increased by at least 10%.
  • Accelerated Career Education (260G) - Partners with community colleges to provide businesses with an enhanced, skilled workforce.

Apprenticeships prepare workers for in-demand jobs and meets the needs of businesses for a highly skilled workforce that can innovate and adapt. The registered apprenticeship programs offer training grants with over 1,000 eligible occupations. Learn more at

Internships transition Iowa students to full-time employment with the goal of retaining a skilled workforce. The programs help companies create internship opportunities.
  • Iowa Student Internship Program - Supports small- to medium-sized companies in a targeted industry (advanced manufacturing, bioscience, information technology).
  • Iowa STEM Internship Program - Supports companies with internships in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
Statewide leaders collaborate to close skills gaps and increase training opportunities for Iowa's high-demand occupations.
  • Industry 4.0 Consortium - A partnership between Iowa's Community Colleges, state agencies, the Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) to implement a statewide education and awareness strategy that will lead to the development of curricula to meet the training needs of all Iowa's manufacturers.
  • Future Ready Iowa - An initiative to build Iowa's talent pipeline with a goal to have 70% of Iowa's workforce with education or training beyond high school by 2025.
